Research on young people and sexuality: trends since 1990

  • Auteur Katrien Symons
  • Pdf openbaar Yes

The article discusses some trends that took place over the past decades in the research field of young people and sexuality. Thereby reference is made to four articles that have been published in the Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie (TvS) between 1984 and 1989. These articles deal with the following topics: framing sexual problems of young people from a development perspective, questions about relations and sexuality for which young people seek help, young people’s concerns about masturbation, and the link between sexual norms and sexual behavior among young people and young adults. Concretely, the article discusses three trends that took place since the publication of these articles, thereby making use of the national and international research literature. Firstly, becoming sexually active is increasingly considered a normative development task rather than an avoidable risk. Secondly, changes in sexual behavior of young people can be linked to changing sexual norms. Thirdly, the article discusses possible shifts in the needs of young people regarding their sexual development.

Gepubliceerd in 2016, Volume 40, Issue 3